Production Test
It’s about Consistency and Compliance

RF and wireless production testing is an art.  For a given standard (or a custom one), there are many test cases that a particular device needs to meet, and on top of that there are FCC requirements and tests that need to pass flawlessly.  Nonetheless, being compliant with a standard and meeting FCC requirements is not all that counts – consistency and product yield play a major role in reducing the cost of each device.


Inception to Production

Most of our clients are involved with us from the inception of their idea.  Using our unique design and product development flow we ensure that on top of being compliant with a wireless Standard or FCC, consistency and product yield will be our top priority on every step of developing phase.


Minimize Test Time and Costs

PhoenixRF knows exactly how to test critical performance and functionality requirements, while minimizing test time by using our effective and unique Production Test flow.